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Upgrade Notes:
We will notify you as soon as your trade limit is exceeded. You will also receive emails about new CoinTracking offers.
Maximum 2 emails per year. Can be unsubscribed at any time.

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Email report:
Send an email report
If enabled, you will receive an email with an overview and balance of your CoinTracking account at the chosen interval and time.
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Join multiple accounts

If you have created multiple accounts, you have here the possibility to link them together.
You can link up to 10 accounts and switch between them with just one click. If you need more than 10 accounts, have a look at CoinTracking Corporate.

[more information]

Join Code
Your code: 8e573efabd6db1592da9fe5e98e9c0c11725437320
Insert this code in other accounts you like to join
Or insert a different code to join this account with a different one: