CoinTracking mobile

CoinTracking Full-Service US

With CoinTracking Full-service, you’ll be able to get the professional assistance you need to file your cryptocurrency taxes with confidence.

Our experienced team consists of licensed CPAs in the United States and other crypto tax professionals, all of whom are fully qualified to help you make sure you have a correct crypto tax report before you file your taxes.

We can help you handle complicated crypto transactions, assist you with data imports, answer crypto tax questions and more.

This service is currently only available in English.

We serve customers worldwide, and we accept credit card, echeck, or cryptocurrency as payment.

CoinTracking Full-service is exclusively provided by Chainwise CPA, an independent public accounting firm located in the United States. Chainwise provides a full range of tax and accounting services to individuals and businesses, with a focus on crypto taxation and blockchain accounting. It is committed to provide CoinTracking users with high quality services and to help them with their tax and accounting needs.
Sharon   Jordan
Meet our lead CPAs: Sharon Yip & Phil Gaudiano

CoinTracking Full-Service hilft bei...

der Überprüfung deines CoinTracking-Accounts
dem Import aller deiner Transaktionen von Börsen, Wallets und Blockchains
der Bearbeitung komplizierter Fälle wie Margin Trades, DeFi, NFTs und Lending
der Lösung von Problemen beim Transaktionsimport und -Abgleich
der Validierung aller Daten auf Vollständigkeit und Plausibilität
der Berechnung für ICOs, geschlossene Börsen, Airdrops, Geschenke, etc.
der Erstellung und Überprüfung von Steuerberichten
der Erstellung deiner Steuererklärungen für alle Komplexitätsstufen, alle Jahre und alle Arten von Steuererklärungen (Privatpersonen und Unternehmen)
Full-Service jetzt anfordern